Blogging has become a worldwide sensation and even though there are hundreds of articles about how to make money blogging, sadly, only a very few people manage to make a decent living out of it.
In order for you to truly understand what it takes to make money blogging, you need to understand what blogging is. Blogging is simply a diary you write but instead of using pen and paper, you blast it all over the internet for the world to see. Now, originally blogging was created for fun purposes but fast forward a few years later, blogging is now one of the top ways of earning a living on the internet.
Blogging is not a get rich quick scheme. According to internet market researchers, it takes approximately two years in order for you start making at least $500 per month blogging. How can you achieve this? There are five main qualities you need to posses before you can qualify to make money blogging:
1. Be an expert at something - yes, I’m sure you’ve heard this a thousand times but being an expert at a topic actually means you having in-depth knowledge and experience and not just researching on Google and getting other people’s experiences and passing them as your own to form a blog. Blogging means bringing your thoughts, your experiences and your knowledge to life and not someone else’s.
2. Know your Audience - It’s no use you writing a blog about gardening to an audience that are more interested in golf. If you want to make the big bucks, target the people who want to know your expertise on a particular subject.
3. Invest your time - Blogging demands a lot of time if you intend to make money. You need to constantly create new, fresh content so readers can learn something new they didn’t already know.
4. Presentational skills - 90% of your blog is dependent on presentation. A poorly designed blog will not get any readership even if your content is fresh and new. Use Word press and Blogger as those are the two most reputable blog online softwares that would give you a well presented blog.
5. Limit your adverts! - Some bloggers get so carried with Google Adsense that their blog is overshadowed with adverts everywhere. There is nothing more annoying than a blog that is filled with adverts. Let the main purpose of your blog be what you are saying and not what you are selling.

Labels: earn money form online, earn money from website, easy to earn money from internet, easy way to earn money